Zara Noor Abbas recently appeared on “Gloss ETC By Maliha Rehmna,” where she spoke about her career.

At one point, Zara Noor Abbas said, “You don’t know what Allah has in store for you in return for all he has taken from you. As long as you’re willing to give him back anything, he’ll give you more than he took.

Amidst all of her recent grief, Zara said that she believes there is “no way out of it,” but at the same time “every loss comes with a heal. So, in light of this, I think you should keep this in mind. We are all here for a brief period of time, and the best thing we can do is to live in the present moment.

If you’re going to dwell on the past, you’re going to spread negativity around you. There are some sorrows that you must carry with you until the end of your life.
There’s nothing I can do to make this pain go away, but I’m going to keep fighting because God is helping me.”