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Why Famous Saudi Scholar said Earning from YouTube is Haram

YouTube is one of the most popular and lucrative platforms for content creators. Millions of people around the world earn money from YouTube by uploading videos on various topics. However, for Muslim YouTubers, there are some Islamic rules and guidelines that they need to follow in order to avoid earning haram income. In this article, we will explain what haram income is, why some YouTube earnings are forbidden for Muslims, and how to make money on YouTube without violating Islamic rules.

How to Make Money on YouTube Without Violating Islamic Rules

Why Famous Saudi Scholar said Earning from YouTube is Haram

What is Haram Income?

Haram income is any income that is derived from unlawful sources or activities according to Islam. Some examples of haram income are:

– Interest or usury (riba)
– Gambling or betting (maysir)
– Alcohol or intoxicants (khamr)
– Pork or other forbidden foods (haram)
– Theft or fraud (gharar)
– Bribery or corruption (rishwa)
– Oppression or injustice (zulm)
– Music, women, obscenity, profanity, and falsehood (laghw)

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Haram income is prohibited for Muslims because it is harmful to their spiritual and moral well-being, as well as to the society at large. Haram income can lead to greed, injustice, exploitation, oppression, and corruption. Therefore, Muslims are required to earn halal income, which is lawful, pure, and beneficial for themselves and others.

Why Some YouTube Earnings are Forbidden for Muslims?

YouTube earnings are not inherently haram, but they depend on the content that YouTubers upload. If a YouTuber uploads haram content, such as music, women, obscenity, profanity, and falsehood, the income earned from it will be considered haram.

This is because uploading haram content is a sin in itself, and it also encourages others to commit sins by watching it. Moreover, uploading haram content violates the terms and conditions of YouTube, which prohibit hate speech, violence, nudity, spam, and misleading content.

One of the prominent Saudi religious scholars who declared earning from YouTube as haram is Imam Asim Al-Hakim. He leads Friday prayers in Jeddah Mosque and has appeared as a host and guest in many TV programs and has given lectures in various universities in Asia and Europe. He stated that being a YouTuber has become an important profession for the youth in today’s society, but they need to be careful about the content they upload.

How to Make Money on YouTube Without Violating Islamic Rules?

There are many ways to make money on YouTube without violating Islamic rules. Some of them are:

  • – Upload halal content that is beneficial, educational, inspirational, or entertaining for the viewers. For example, you can upload videos about Islamic topics, social issues, personal development, health and fitness, travel and culture, comedy and satire, etc.
  • – Avoid using music, women, obscenity, profanity, and falsehood in your videos. Instead, use sound effects, animations, graphics, subtitles, and voice-overs to enhance your videos.
  • – Choose appropriate titles, thumbnails, descriptions, tags, and categories for your videos. Do not use clickbait or misleading titles or images that may attract viewers for the wrong reasons.
  • – Monetize your videos with Google Adsense or other ad networks that offer halal ads. You can also use sponsorships or affiliate marketing to promote halal products or services that are relevant to your niche and audience.
  • – Donate a portion of your earnings to charity or zakat. This will purify your income and increase your rewards in the hereafter.

By following these tips, you can make money on YouTube without violating Islamic rules. You can also earn the pleasure of Allah and the respect of your viewers by providing them with valuable and halal content.

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