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YouTube’s New Feature: AI-Generated Summaries for Every Video

Have you ever spent too much time browsing through YouTube videos, trying to find something interesting to watch? Or have you ever clicked on a video that looked promising, only to be disappointed by its content? If so, you might be interested in a new feature that YouTube is testing: AI-generated video summaries.

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YouTube’s New Feature: AI-Generated Summaries for Every Video

What are AI-generated video summaries?

AI-generated video summaries are short texts that appear on the search and watch pages of YouTube. They are meant to provide a quick overview of what a video is about, so you can decide if it’s worth watching. They are not meant to replace the video descriptions that creators write, but rather to complement them.

YouTube is using artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze the video content and generate the summaries. The AI tries to identify the main points, key takeaways, and important facts or figures mentioned in the video. It also tries to avoid adding unnecessary details or spoilers.

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The feature is currently being tested with a limited number of English-language videos and viewers. YouTube has not said which countries, platforms, or video types will get the AI-generated summaries. It has also asked users to share their feedback on the new feature.

How can AI-generated video summaries help you?

AI-generated video summaries can help you in several ways:

  • They can save you time by letting you scan through multiple videos quickly and easily.
  • They can help you find more relevant and engaging content that matches your interests and preferences.
  • They can help you avoid clicking on misleading or low-quality videos that waste your time and bandwidth.
  • They can help you learn new things or get inspired by highlighting the key information from the videos.

AI-generated video summaries are part of YouTube’s larger effort to use generative AI to enhance its platform. Generative AI is a type of AI that can create new content, such as text, images, audio, or video. YouTube has already used generative AI to produce video chapters, which are segments that divide a video into sections based on its topics. It has also used generative AI to create Bard, a chatbot that can write poems based on user inputs.

How to try out AI-generated video summaries?

If you want to try out AI-generated video summaries, you can head over to and sign in with your Google account. There, you can enroll in various experiments that YouTube is running, including the AI-generated video summaries. However, access to all experimental features is not guaranteed, and they may change or disappear at any time.

Alternatively, you can also use some third-party tools that can generate summaries for YouTube videos, such as,, or These tools use different algorithms and methods to create summaries, and they may vary in quality and accuracy. You can compare them with the official YouTube feature and see which one works best for you.

What do you think of AI-generated video summaries?

AI-generated video summaries are an interesting and useful feature that YouTube is testing. They can help you find the best videos to watch on the platform, and save you time and effort. However, they may also have some limitations and challenges, such as accuracy, reliability, and bias. What do you think of this feature? Do you think it will improve your YouTube experience? Let us know in the comments below!

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