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5 Hidden Features of iOS 17 That Apple Didn’t Tell You About

Apple iOS 17 has been out for months with many features. While the headline features are impressive but still there are hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Ditch the silence with seamless music transitions, manage passwords with ease, and explore a more intuitive emoji finder. These are just a few of the secret weapons that will elevate your iPhone experience.

5 Hidden Features of iOS 17

5 Hidden Features of iOS 17 That Apple Didn't Tell You About

1. Seamless Music Bliss with Crossfade

Say goodbye to jarring silence between songs! Crossfade blends your tunes seamlessly by creating an uninterrupted listening experience. Not only does it eliminate silence but it intelligently transitions between songs for keeping the musical flow going. This feature is a must-have for music lovers who crave uninterrupted sonic journeys.

Check Also – How to Make Your iPhone Speak Like You in iOS 17

2. Passwords and Contacts at Your Fingertips

Juggling passwords and contacts can be a hassle. iOS 17 offers a hidden superpower which enables you to insert them directly into text fields. Simply tap and hold in any text field and a menu will pop up with options for passwords and contacts. Select the desired option, authenticate with Face ID or Touch ID, and voila! No more switching between apps or memorizing complex codes. This feature can be your best password manager to save all your passwords.

5 Hidden Features of iOS 17 That Apple Didn't Tell You About

3. Emoji Finder: Farewell to Frustration!

Finding the perfect emoji used to be an exercise in finger acrobatics. But iOS 17 brings relief! After searching for an emoji, a new “Accept” button appears at the keyboard’s bottom right which will allow you to exit the finder with a single tap. No more navigating through endless menus – just express yourself instantly.

5 Hidden Features of iOS 17 That Apple Didn't Tell You About

4. Multiple Personalities in Safari

Feeling like your Safari profile is a bit of a jack-of-all-trades? iOS 17 lets you create and configure multiple profiles. Each profile with its own set of extensions, favorites, history, and home items. Switch seamlessly between profiles based on your needs and keeping your online activities organized and personalized.

5. 2FA Made Effortless

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds security but managing codes can be a pain. iOS 17 solves this with its automatic 2FA code removal feature. Simply activate this hidden feature in your iCloud keychain settings. With this setting, used codes will vanish automatically to save your time and frustration.

These are just a few of the hidden iOS 17 features waiting to be explored. So, what are you waiting for? Start digging and unlock a world of enhanced productivity, convenience, and personalized experiences on your iPhone.

Do you have any favorite hidden features in iOS 17? Share your discoveries in the comments below!

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